Community fundraising

The ACT CDS is the smart way for community groups and businesses to raise
funds. It encourages recycling in our community and aims to
reduce litter and waste to landfill.

How to raise funds

Organise an event and return collected containers

You can raise funds by organising an event such as a collection drive or fundraiser and returning the containers to a return point. Businesses can also consider providing bins in the workplace for staff. You can then donate the funds raised to your charity, sporting group, school or business.

Create an account and share your number

If you are a not-for-profit or community organisation such as a charity, sporting group or school, create an online account with Return-It. You will receive a ten-digit number which you can share with your community. They can choose to donate their container refunds to your cause.

Visit Return-It to set up an online account.

Fundraising with the ACT CDS helps you reduce your environmental footprint while raising awareness and much-needed funds for your chosen cause.

It’s a clean, green fundraising machine and it’s so simple to participate!

This fundraising guide (.pdf, 3MB) has everything you need to get started.

Fill out the online form below to download the fundraising toolkit. This toolkit provides helpful information and material you can use to promote your event.

Start promoting your event. If you are an approved donation recipient, share your ten-digit number with your community. Get in touch with us if you would like help spreading the word!

Start collecting and returning! See things to know for handy tips.

Celebrate your collection drive or fundraising effort! Get in touch with us at and we will send you a Certificate of appreciation.

Things to know

Consider the size of your event

This will determine how you collect and return the containers to a return point. For example, a few wheelie bins or a trailer might be suitable for a small event whereas hiring a bulka bag or trash pack might be required for a larger event.

Find out more about Return-It’s free trailer hire program

The ACT CDS return point operator, Return-It, has introduced a free trailer hire program for communities and businesses. Trailers are available at Cash-back Depots and come with 240 litre Return-It bins and bulka bags. To find out more and make a booking, visit Trailer Program.