Return your containers through ACT Container Deposit Scheme

The Australian Capital Territory saw the launch of a local container deposit scheme on the 30 June 2018, which aims to increase recycling in our communities and reduce the number of bottles and cans causing environmental litter or going into landfill.

ACT CDS enables smart recyclers to return eligible containers and get a refund of 10c for each. Eligible containers are ones that are commonly found in the litter stream, including most glass, PET, HDPE, aluminium, steel or liquid paperboard (cartons) between 150mL and 3L in size. All containers that can be recognised as an eligible container are accepted under the Scheme.

Citizens, families and organisations of ACT can easily take part in the Scheme by collecting eligible bottles and returning them to their nearest collection point. The ACT Container Deposit Scheme also enables community groups, such as schools, sports clubs and charities, to lead fundraising drives and raise money for important needs and activities.

Which return point to go to?

There are nine return points throughout the ACT. Depending on your needs and location, you can choose which return point to go to.

Express sites are fast and convenient and suitable for less than 500 containers at a time. They are located at charities across the ACT: Salvos stores in Fyshwick, Mitchell, Phillip and Tuggeranong; Vinnies locations in Belconnen, Dickson and Tuggeranong.

Bulk Depots are available at Fyshwick and Mitchell. They offer refunds in cash, donation or electronic refund.

You can create a Return-It account to be refunded electronically at the express points, or you can receive a cash refund at depot sites. You also have the option to donate your refund directly to charity at all return points.

Start collecting containers, bag up and bring home some pennies in your pocket with the ACT CDS.

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