Five new express return pods now open!

It is now even more convenient to get on board with the ACT Container Deposit Scheme (ACT CDS) with the opening of five new express return pods. These new  pods are located at Charnwood and Hawker shops, Tuggeranong Recycling Drop Off Centre, and Kambah and Amaroo Playing Fields, and are open from 7am to 7pm, seven days a week.

The express pod model has proven successful in the recent trial at the Gungahlin Recycling Drop Off Centre with up to 15,000 containers a week being returned through the pod. The opening of these new express return pods brings the number of return points across the ACT to twenty-one.

You can choose to receive an electronic refund or make a donation to a charity at all return points and receive a cash refund at three depots in Fyshwick, Mitchell and Phillip. Remember, to receive an electronic refund, you need to set up an online account with the ACT CDS network operator, Return-It.

For a full list of return point locations visit our returns points page and to set up an online account register at Return-It.

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