New Anglicare Express Return Point Openings

The ACT CDS has an exciting announcement for keen recyclers! Two new Express Return Points have opened, meaning ACT residents now have a total of twelve drop off sites for eligible container returns: seven Express Return Points and three Bulk Depots.

The two new drop-off sites are located at Anglicare retail stores in Fyshwick and Jamison, so bring along your recyclables and claim your 10 cent refund for each eligible container. You can also choose to donate your refund directly to that charity.

Aluminium (54.5%), glass (23.3%) and plastic (19.3%) make up the bulk of containers returned, together with smaller amounts of HDPE, liquid paperboard and steel. Most drink containers between 150ml and 3litres are eligible for recycling through the ACT CDS.

Anglicare is joining other notable charities, The Salvation Army (Salvos) and The St Vincent de Paul Society Canberra/Goulburn (Vinnies) in partnership with ACT Container Deposit Scheme.

Placed at these charity locations, express return points are a fast and convenient option for returning less than 500 containers at a time. For larger quantities of containers, you can visit a bulk depot.

The Minister for City Services, Chris Steel, said “the ACT Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) has returned over 15.3 million containers since it became operational on 30 June 2018 and it is pleasing to see Canberrans really embrace the Scheme.”

He believes “(using) social enterprise shop fronts as express return points helps raise funds to provide services and support for those in the community who need it most, and has also created new employment opportunities for Canberrans.”

Minister Steel encourages ACT residents who are yet to use the scheme to try it out for themselves.

We here at ACT CDS echo that call!

The new Express Return Points are open at:

Anglicare Fyshwick at 8 Wiluna Street Fyshwick.

Anglicare Jamison at Unit 2/3 Jamison Centre Macquarie.

For more detailed information regarding drop off points, read more on our website.

The ACT CDS is a partnership between the ACT Government, scheme coordinator Exchange for Change and network operator Return-It.

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