Returning containers

Before arriving at a return point:

  1. set up an online account with the ACT CDS return point operator, Return-It, to receive an electronic refund – you do not need to set up an account for cash refunds

  2. remove the lids from the eligible drink containers – consider giving the lids to a recycling station

  3. find your nearest return point and check its opening hours, and

  4. place the drink containers in a tray, bucket or cardboard box if using a Cash-back Depot or place them in a slightly see-through plastic bag and tie it up if using a Drop & Go Point or Pod – the white bin liners you can purchase from most supermarkets are acceptable and all bags are recycled.

Each type of return point offers different refund options.

Drop & Go Pods

Self-service and open 7am to 7pm, seven days a week.

Ideal for returning containers close to home.

  • Electronic refunds
  • Donations

Drop & Go Points

Self-service and staffed. Open during business hours and weekends.

Ideal for four to five bags of drink containers at a time.

  • Electronic refunds
  • Donations

Cash-back Depots

Staffed with automated counting systems. Open during business hours and weekends.

Ideal for larger quantities of drink containers and instant cash refund.

  • Cash refunds
  • Electronic refunds
  • Donations

Reverse Vending Machine

Self-service and open 7am to 7pm, seven days a week.

Perfect for returning containers while at the shops.

  • Electronic refunds
  • Donations

At Drop & Go Points or Pods:

  1. use the touchscreen to login to your Return-It account
  2. follow the prompts to print out a barcode label (tag) for each bag of drink containers
  3. stick the label on each bag, and
  4. hand the bag to return point staff or place the bag in the pod chute.

You will receive your electronic refund in your Return-It online account within a few business days. You will then need to transfer your refund to your nominated bank account or choose to make a charitable donation.

At Cash-back Depots:

  1. take your drink containers to an automated counting machine
  2. empty your containers in the middle bay and ensure the lids are off
  3. press the ‘start’ button and place each container on the left or right conveyor belt depending on material type
  4. watch the screen as your containers are counted 
  5. once complete, press the ‘pay out’ button, remove your ticket and claim your cash refund at the ATM. 

If you would prefer an electronic credit instead of a cash refund, or would like to donate your refund, ask one of the friendly staff to set this up on your screen before you begin returning your containers.  

At Reverse Vending Machines:

  1. Scan your Express account QR code
  2. Feed each container through the appropriate chute to be scanned and counted
  3. Once complete, press the ‘receipt’ button on screen.

You will receive your electronic refund in your Return-It online account within a few business days. You will then need to transfer your refund to your nominated bank account or choose to make a charitable donation.